It has been more than a year since I've made absolutely any contribution to my blog. So, if there is anybody, any single person in any corner of the world that follows/at least reads my blogs, I'm sorry for having kept you waiting. I don't quite know the exact reason why I haven't written anything. May be, it was just a writer's block or may be, I was so stuck in my life that I couldn't make time for it or even, may be, because I didn't find anything intriguing enough. One more reason and I think this is the real one, could be that I had started writing a short story around two years ago, and I never got to finish it. I just couldn't find the perfect ending. If you're a writer(!?!), you'd understand the disappointment. Whatever the reason was, I couldn't bring myself to write anything all these days. However, I do keep writing in my mind. All the time. More or less like J.D. from 'Scrubs'(A doc intern who narrates his own life to h...
Lalita Surabhi