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The 62nd celebration of August, The Fifteenth..

India celebrates it 62nd year of Independence. Glorious 62 years..
So many events came and year after year the flag is hoisted and people go on and on about this whole ''Mera Bharat Mahaan" phrase. Yes, I agree my country is great but is it correct to keep saying it over and over again and not do anything about it?
The ministers are not committed enough but none of us is ready to take charge and make a difference ('Dirty politics!!.. Why do you want to get into it and spoil your life/career?'). Politics will stay dirty as long as we let it be.
Spiritual leaders get into scandals. weren't they the ones who went around talking about God?
Where did the God go now? Not taking their side? People still fight over religion. History should be a lesson!! But, when did we learn our lessons well? The Jammu & Kashmir issue is still a pain. So, are we still talking about God?? Not working!
We, now, have to think twice about going out in a busy road. What if there's a bomb somewhere? Praying at the mosque, travelling in a train or even eating at a cafe round the corner doesn't seem safe. The police spend ages together solving a murder case of a teenager and her servant. But how about the bomb blasts? Dozens of people lost their lives but we see almost smiling police officers and unshaken ministers talking about it in front of cameras. And, now we have security everywhere. Most of those machines seem switched off. And the friskers don't even do that job properly.
The government officials want a hike in their salary. Seriously? Are they even worth it? They get more holidays than a kindergarten kid does. And they want more money? The government plans to spent around Rs. 30000 crores on this. And mind you, the salary hike is with effect from January 2006. Anyway the govt can't pay back loans, so they take more loans and charge more tax. No comments!
This is not all.. My country still has the potential to be the best country in the world. With the kind of man power we have, the kind of talents each on of us has, the brains of engineers and scientists, the commitment of doctors, the knowledge of Guru's. It's just very sad that we didn't make use of it, we didn't recognise it.
India won a gold medal in the Olympics, after a long time.(determination of a 25 year old guy). We had a scientist for the president( the vision of one man from a small town). Engineers of India get recruited in major software companies all around the world(brains!). BPOs come down to us and set up their offices here(man power!). Indian spiritual and humanitarian leaders have followers everywhere(The power of knowledge and wisdom). This can go on and on..
Today's the day of Independence. And yes, it should be celebrated. But, not blindly. Not just because it's the fifteenth of August, but because it's India.. Our country. Let's celebrate India..
62 years of Mother India's grace on each one of us. It's pay back time people.. We need to give back what the soil gave us, everything we recognised and everything we didn't.. Each one of us can make a difference, and I bet you on that!!

Jai Hind!


  1. I think by the tine this govt. leaves the coiffers will be empty, and legacy of the new one will be bankruptcy what with the freebies like loan waiver to farmers and this pay hike to govt. workers.
    There must be a restriction on the govt. also about how much they can waste in an election year.
    They always follow the pay panel for the hike but not for the the austerity measure like making them work, reduce the holidays work force, so there is always a selective implementtion

  2. Introspected with precision. It is true that we have everything and we still do not make a use of it. But, the solution to this seriously persistent problem of "Indian Governance", boils down to the simple fact of education and awareness.

    The constitution has to be fundamentally changed in not allowing thugs and illiterates to rule some huge country like India. But do you think, the vote bank politics will do that!! No.

    When 70 percent of the voters, dont even know what the constitution is, what kind of democracy is this, Hypocrisy. We have freedom, that we enjoy. But are we not abusing it to outright extremes!

    Well,what is your view on what can be done? I have thought several times and nothing sufficed so far. It is a too big change to be effected by a small group of individuals. We need a change in the conscience of the society. We need an absolute change. How..How to pull them out of the vanity fair!?

  3. Well, what can be done?
    Taking up responsibility can be done. If responsibility for the whole country seems too big, starting small is no big mistake!
    Pulling people out of ''vanity fair'' is not easy. May be, geting into it and pushing out people could work and then we can jump out of it when we're the only ones left out.. Howzzat?
    About bringing about change.. could be a bit difficult, but taking the initiative is like half the battle won!

  4. There is nothing to gain by being paradoxical. It will take a long time to make up for the mistakes made by the present government. In fact, I think matters will go further downhill. The need of the hour is a force or power that will instill fear in the bureaucracy, something that is ruthless though not official

    I appreciate the fact that you have decided to celebrate the nation as it is instead of glorifying freedom fighters. We need to understand that it is our turn to live up to a nation's hopes now.

  5. Hi lalli! This is a surprise! Actually its not, if you stop to think 'bout it. You speak so eloquently, 'tis but natural that you blog.

    Nice article yaar! And I agree 'bout your statement 'all writers need feedback' :D.

  6. Stop corrupting yourself n you ll see the change that you wish to.


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