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My first big step..

So, I took my first big step today..
Yeah, I'm talking about the global warming issue.. Yes, it is the buzz word right now.. True, You look and also feel like a hero talking about it.. and, sure, if you start a conversation about global warming or the likes of it, you become this ultimate cool guy/girl.. But, how many of us take the issue further? Further than just a conversation? I was also one of those people till today.. I would talk about the unnecessary abundance of carbon Di-oxide on the planet and the thinning of the ozone layer, etc.. I would actively discourage friends to stop littering wrappers around, and avoid plastic bags, may be just to be in that fancy limelight..
This morning I was watching this show on TV about the youth and their responsibilities.. It kind of shook me.. I realised I was actually not doing anything.. Practically nothing.. Just inches close to zilch.. This was my wake up call... Finally, I could hear it..
What will happen to my planet? I have the right to choose where I want to grow old..
Time for some action.. Best and easiest target-kids..They're the only kind of human beings who would welcome new ideas.. I got a group of kids, all of them my sister's friends.. made them sit down and got going..asked them to list out what problems the world faces now..
The five girls very patiently and devotedly jotted down all that they could think of.. As they were doing that, I got some time for some research work and thanks to Google, I was now clear to very clear about the whole concept - ''GLOBAL WARMING''..
I spoke to the girls about the issue.. told them what they could do, how they could help, how they could save our planet.. And there were five beautiful smiles right in front of me.. That was probably the time when I was proudest of myself.. I did it.. I took that step.. That '' charity begins at home'' step..
The plan's made.. We'll get more people joining us in a few days.. Their friends and my friends..
And a big bunch of us will take our first real big step.. We're in plans of celebrating ''Green Day'' which does not fall on any particular day of any month.. Just the day when the climate is perfect and all of us have that precious little devil, time, in hand.. We'll plant lots of plants.. lots and lots of them..
I know pretty well that my contribution is not big enough, but, what's the big deal in starting small?
This is our time now.. We're the rulers, the creators, the people.. Only we can make a difference.. Only we can help ourselves.. Waiting for some miracle to happen is sheer stupidity.. Turn yourself into that miracle and change things around.. Take that one step and the rest of them will follow.. One step.. Just one at a time.. Just one for now..


  1. you r just awsome .wat an english iam spell bound .from now i want to give a lot of respect to u.keep it up............

  2. very good thoughts,I just hope that you motivate more people to go green.

  3. Well, I am not too sure about what you have written. However, you must watch "An Inconvenient Truth", Al Gore's documentary on Global Warming- it is fabulous not only for its narration and theme but also for the way it has been made. You may have been told this by many people, but then that goes to show how good the thing actually is.


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