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I know not..

I know not what life is,

I know not death,

I know not who I am,

I don't remember a bit

I live to see where my soul is,

Die to see it go.

I'm an ancient soul in this eye of God,

And, I'm all alone.

I look back at all my lives,

And think, why?

But I have to live, so I die.

I try to recall all that happened,

I see relations.

I want to know where I will go now,

I want to go, I have no patience.

I bid goodbye to all I had, all that life gave.

I seep into the memories that'll never be.. and sink into my grave.

Even now, I know not what life is,

I know not death.

I know not who I am,

I don't remember a bit.


  1. okay! first i get a shock that you have a blog!

    second , i get a bigger shock reading this blog!!

    i love the way you've written the poem!!

  2. lalzo wts with ur philo man...but its good
    nic ta see ur writing improve drastically im proud :)

  3. huh!

    deeki-thanks a lot..but, shock??why?

    tara- thank you. he he.. and thanks for being a constant (fair) critic of my stuff..

  4. my pleasure!! im sure ur still waiting for my blog posts...dnt worry i'll put it up soon!

  5. shock becoz i didnt no you write and own a blog thats why!!


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