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10.00 pm
I hear some noises from the road. There's no question of wondering who it is. It's almost an everyday nonsense now. "Nenu saitham prapanchaaniki........'' blah blah.. That's Mr. Chiranjeevi's party song, borrowed from two of his super hit social upliftment movies, Rudraveena and Tagore, playing so loud in residential areas. They don't even let people sleep peacefully, are you sure they're going to look after every other need of the whole state? I really thought this guy would do something sensible, just 'cuz so many people had hopes on him. And there he is going around talking absolute nonsense, and bringing up this whole caste issue. Now isn't this leaving a part of the people feeling inferior, another part superior and the rest confused? And then we have stupid fans of Chiranjeevi as members of the party who go around in the city and invariably causing traffic jams. Do they care for peoples' time at all? Vote for Chiranjeevi? No way.

And then come Y S Rajasekhar Reddy. Y S Jagan's love affair with money has been oh-so-in-the-news. And the whole image and build-up of his with his fans is hilarious. They think he is born only to serve the society and stuff like that. Google it, you'll know. Anyway, they say don't judge a man looking at his relatives. Alright, even if this is his own son, I will not judge YSR on this ground. But look at the party. YSR has anyway proven his worth in the last five years. Not a zilch worth of work has been done. Seriously. Five years back, this guy went around behaving like his heart poured out for the farmers who killed themselves and their families. What did he really do about it? The city was hit by terrorists twice. What security arrangements were made really after the August 2007 blasts? Why did he get so many people to convert to Christianity?Was it about religion or welfare? Vote for YSR? Not even in my wildest dreams.

And what's with Nara Chandra Babu Naidu? He was really good when his turn had come. He had made many rules for the welfare of the people. Actually. The city got recognised world-wide, and people in AP got into the software majorly 'cuz of him. His plans were good. The execution was fine, but then it all backfired when he took good care of everybody except the people working in the public sector. They did not like the way he worked beacuse he had too many rules. Too much of do this and do that. This was when the real problem started. For instance, there was this whole thing of having 100% results in the state public examinations. You wont beleive, the teachers actually wrote the answers out on the board and asked the kids to copy them, just to save their jobs. This is true. Even if its hard to digest. All the public servants, teachers, govt officers decided to vote him out. And out of no choice, voted for other parties. And look at Chandra Babu Naidu now. The charm is all lost. He's trying so hard, that he got the whole of his family to stand up and talk for them. He argues with YSR in the assembly about whose son's better, wasting a huge amount of funds that, my friends, come out of our pockets- the tax payers. If I was given a chance five years back to vote, I would've definitely supported The TDP. But now? Not at all. No second thought.

And then there's this demand for the Telangana state. Seriously, people, why the hell do you need a seperate state? We're just fine together. And who's the leader? A hawk-nosed guy who doesn't even know whether he should stay or resign? And now they're friends with TDP. Why? Why on earth? Is that really so necessary? There's Vijaya Shanti also who doesn't make sense half the time. Do we really need this? Really Really?

There's one party that is in the true sense one that needs to get a fair chance. Lok Satta. They've not even spent money above the limit set for political advertisement expenditure according to the law. Their funds come in the way of donations. This is a no-noise party and that makes it really attractive to me. I have no idea why they're not reaching out to more and more people, but nevertheless, the lesser noise, the better. Jaya Prakash Narayan is one of those very few sensible people, really. He is literate, sensible and at the same time sensitive to issues which really need to be recognised and spoken about. He doesn't go around blaming another party, and keeps quiet when they're arguing on silly issues. If you've seen one of his interviews on TV or elsewhere, you'll know. He's also an IAS officer and was a physician once upon a time. I would definitely vote for Loksatta, but will everyone else do the same? Will everyone wake up and realise what's right and what's not? Is it just the literate youth that has recognised Loksatta's capability? How about the rural mass? Do they even know Loksatta exists and they're the solution to everything? Loksatta so needs encouragement from more and more people. I hope they come into power. They should. I really think it's time they've shown what they really can do.

It's tough competition. Majorly between the bad and the worse. Even then, may the best man win.


  1. nice one :D
    liked every word of it Lalita :)

  2. yes it is no doubt the best one i hope we become mature enough and vote for the best hope you have done the same...good luck!!

  3. U actually voted for lok satta dint u???!!!!!! OMG. :|


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